
17. International RAMIRAN Conference

The Recycling of Agricultural, Municipal and Industrial Residues in Agriculture Network RAMIRAN invites to their 17. International conference with the overall theme “Sustainable utilisation of manures and residue resources in agriculture”.

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Phosphorrecycling: wie weiter?

Die Schweizer Bundesämter für Umwelt BAFU und für Landwirtschaft BLW laden zur Tagung "Phosphor: Ein lebenswichtiger Rohstoff" am 30.08.2017 nach Bern ein.

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The BIG Phosphorus Conference and Exhibition – Removal & Recovery

Aqua Enviro presents the BIG Phosphorus Conference and Exhibition – Removal & Recovery. The two-day conference and exhibition will explore the balance between reducing phosphorus consumption within catchments, and effective means for recovering phosphorus as a nutrient. The findings from the UKWIR low-P trials to evaluate source control technologies will also be presented.

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