

The next-generation of sustainable fertilisers: a win-win solution

On behalf of the European Commission, Anna Kuokkanen has written a publication titled „The next-generation of sustainable fertilisers: a win-win solution“. Read the abstract here and download the publication via the link below:

The three most important macronutrients – nitrogen (N), phosphorus (P) and potassium (K), are essential for crop productivity and food production. At the moment they mostly come in the form of chemical fertilisers, in which the EU faces surging import costs and supply disruptions caused by the war in Ukraine and export restrictions in China. In addition to diversification and alternative import sources, the attention should focus on next-generation sustainable fertilisers. They can play a crucial role not only in filling the supply gap, but also in improving circularity, sustainability and regional economies. Next-generation fertilisers have a lower energy intensity, create less greenhouse gases and reduce eutrophication of surface waters. For example, biorefineries coupling nutrient and energy recovery, offer also economic benefits to farmers and the diversification of their income sources.

Kuokkanen, A., The next-generation of sustainable fertilisers: a win-win solution, European Commission, Petten, 2022, JRC130293.

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