

Final version of policyreport on Circular Economy

The final draft of the report „How can conflicts, complexities, and uncertainties in a circular economy be handled? A cross European study of the institutional conditions for sewage sludge and bottom ash utilization“ is now available. The report done by Nils Johansson, a researcher at KTH, Stockholm, deals with the topic of how risks, conflicts, and uncertainties in a Circular Economy can be handled.

The report can be downloaded in the document section of our website following the link below.

Read an excerpt from the summary as description:
The purpose of this study is to map the institutional conditions in Europe that may facilitate the use of waste, without increasing the risk. How can waste in terms of both its resources and hazards be handled in the best way? First, the challenges facing the use of bottom ash and sewage sludge are identified in Sweden. After that, the challenges are brought to Central Europe to see how they have handled the challenges in achieving a higher use of waste. Finally, the lessons learned from Europe are brought back to Sweden to discuss how the use of waste can increase through different political trajectories. The study is based on interviews with three different actors: waste producers, waste recipients, and the authorities, mainly in three different countries: Sweden, Denmark and Germany.

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